22 E 4th Ave, Suite 1A
Columbus, OH 43201
United States
T: 614.558.8018
Q: Do you take walk-ins, or do I need an appointment?
A: We are fully welcoming walk-ins. NOTE: These are not guaranteed. Its first come, first served by an available artist.
Q: What’s the difference between a walk-in and same day appointment?
A: Walk-ins are literally that; just walk into Enso and get a tattoo. Same day appointments are when you currently are in communication via email, social media, etc. with one of our Artists and you set a time to meet that same day.
Q: How do I make an appointment?
A: Best way is contacting our artists directly through email or social media. You can send an email to the artist directly via the Artists page or you can send a generic email to This can take longer because we are a small shop. Thank you for your patience if you are trying to get an appointment at Enso.
Q: Do you accept credit cards?
A: Yes we accept card or cash.
Q: How much does a tattoo at Enso cost?
A: Our shop minimum is $100.00. Traveling guests may have higher minimums. From there, the cost can vary. Depending on the size of tattoo we either charge a flat rate for a 1 shot tattoo or a hourly rate for multi-session work. All of our artists may not have the same hourly rate. Please have an open communication about pricing prior to getting a tattoo. We are very happy and open to discuss all costs.
Q: Is your shop licensed?
A: Yes! Enso Tattoo is a fully licensed and legit tattoo shop. How else could we be the premier shop in Ohio's best city?
Q: Do you do cover-ups and touch-ups?
A: Short answer: yes. However, this type of work will always require a consultation first. We want to make sure that you and your artist are on the same page in terms of the end result.
Q: Can I use a numbing cream or anesthetic?
A: Yes! However, please be advised that some of these topical creams may effect the final outcome of your tattoo. If you have any questions about a specific brand, ask in person or email artist / shop.
Q: How old do you have to be to get a tattoo?
A: At Enso Tattoo, the answer is 18 years of age. While the State of Ohio says it is okay if a Parent/Guardian is present to sign paperwork, we believe that it is best to wait and make this permanent decision a little later in life.
Q: Do I need a state ID or License to get tattooed?
A: Yes, all clients must have proper legal identification to get tattooed.
Q: Are we allowed to bring children into the shop?
A: We are a family shop but this isn’t a place for children. We totally understand if you are stopping by or having a short consultation and day care is difficult. With that said, no children should be brought while you have a tattoo appointment.